Project Archive: Intro & Goals / How Does It Work / Current Participants)
This page represents the website archives for GMO Free Josephine County Food Integrity Project – including a listing of current members of the Project
GMO Free Josephine County
proudly presents

Who Are We?
The GMO Free Josephine County Food Integrity Project was established in Grants Pass, Oregon and has been creating more aware and better educated communities since July, 2013.

What are Our Goals?
The primary goal of the GMO Free Josephine County Food Integrity Project is to support and empower food establishments to be trailblazers and role models for food integrity within their community, by offering the people they serve local, GMO Free choices when they dine out.
We work with restaurants and other food establishments to create GMO-Free menu options, and connect them with the patrons who care.
By providing events for education and awareness, GMO Free Josephine County strives to connect the bounty grown by our local farmers with residents throughout the beautiful Rogue Valley and all of Southern Oregon, expanding the network of clean food grown with integrity.

– How Does it Work –

How Does the Project Work?
The GMO Free Josephine County Food Integrity Project is a voluntary program offered to all interested local restaurants, bakeries, coffee shops, food carts, and other food-oriented sites.
The Project offers recognition status and verification to local businesses who offer GMO Free menu options. Food establishments are visited by members of the GMO Free Josephine County Food Integrity Project team to determine how many GMO-Free menu options are currently available at the establishment, and assistance and support is provided to create additional options.
Participation in the Project is designated by a Leaf Award System ranging from 3 to 5 Leaves depending on the number/percentage of menu items verified to be GMO Free. Following verification, each establishment receives a decal with the GMO Free Josephine County Food Integrity Project logo with their designated Leaf Award, to be displayed on the front window or front door of the participating food establishment. This decal designates their ongoing commitment to providing GMO Free menu options.

What is the Leaf Award System?
The Leaf Award System describes each level of participation within the Project:

3 leaves represent 3 or more individual GMO Free menu items

4 leaves represent 50% or more GMO Free menu items

5 leaves represent 90% or more GMO Free menu items
You will see these Leaf Award decals displayed on the front window or front door of each of the food establishments affiliated with The Project. Be sure to let the restaurant know you are dining at their establishment specifically because they are members of the GMO Free Josephine County Food Integrity Project. They will appreciate knowing!!

– Current Participants –
We celebrate all of the local restaurants and cafes that are making a difference in our community!

We are proud to promote the current participants in the GMO Free Josephine County Food Integrity Project, who have made the choice to provide GMO Free menu options for their customers.
Look for the decals at the following food establishments:
We are serving up local, natural, organic, or non-GMO always! If our local farmers have it, we go there first, otherwise we source your food with as much detail and love as we give to prepare it. Ma Mosa’s is a from-scratch kitchen, providing the bounty from our valley with food you can feel good about eating!
Ma Mosa’s
Grants Pass, Oregon
(541) 479-0236
“At Rogue Coffee Roasters we believe in a healthy and ethical walk through life. It is important to be conscious of what goes into your body and what it took to get from the soil to your hands. Coffee as a crop is one of the highest chemically protected plants. This means that more insecticides are being absorbed by the plants and eventually into the beans. Organic coffees are grown without the use of these harmful chemicals. Therefore, when you drink Rogue coffee you are responsibly keeping these chemicals out of your diet.”
Rogue Roasters
Grants Pass, Oregon
(541) 476-6134
“Being part of this inaugural Food Integrity Project was a honor and a gratifying experience. It was wonderful to see the organizers of the FIP accelerate community awareness regarding the importance of a GMO-Free world. It will be a journey of many steps for many people before mainstream consciousness about the effects of toxins in our food and environment reaches critical mass. By making basic education fun and exciting, the FIP made it possible for many to quickly make big jumps along that path. This empowered those who wanted to learn, to become leaders in the movement that appreciates time-tested wisdom about one of the most basic pillars of wellness… a truly healthy food supply.
Thanks to GMO Free Josephine County for organizing the Food Integrity Project and providing a unique and invaluable community service.”
128 SW H Street
Grants Pass, Oregon
(541) 474-5044
”In the first two months of 2014, after being part of The Food Integrity Project for only four months, our cumulative sales for January and February were the highest they had been since we opened the restaurant …. substantially higher! We attribute that increase in profits solely to our being part of The Food Integrity Project.”
“At The Vine, we have a passion for creating excellent food that your body needs. We make Italian-inspired dishes with Northwest Conscience. We strive to provide an entirely GMO Free menu and all our produce is organic. This attention to detail ensures that you are receiving healthful ingredients in each delicious bite.”
1610 SW Allen Creek Rd, #111
Grants Pass, Oregon
(541) 479-8463
Tea & Seasonal Specialties
Uber Herbal has been blending and brewing herbal concoctions for over a decade. Heartsong Chai (a masala chai ground by bicycle power) and the Habanero Honey Brew (a spicy, surprising tonic) have earned a fabulously loyal fan base here in Oregon. With the understanding that plants empower people, Uber Herbal offers you the best in Tea and Tea Creations. These products are made by hand in small batches. All of our ingredients are certified organic or wild-crafted.
103 SW 4th St
Grants Pass, Oregon
(541) 210-7320
Food Integrity Project Kickoff and Food Fest (2013)
Food Integrity Project Kickoff and Food Fest (2013)
GMO Free JoCo introduced the Food Integrity Project on October 17, 2013 at our trailblazing event called –
Food Integrity Project Kickoff and Food Fest – and was attended by nearly 800 members of the general public!
It featured samples of GMO Free food, music, food demos, and the unveiling of the first 10 participating restaurants.